
Lipoma is a benign subcutaneous lesion, in the form of a lump made of fatty tissue.

Synonyms: Fatty tissue deposits

This is a benign lesion, most commonly just presents an esthetic issue.

Why do they form?

It’s still not completely clear.

Based on recurring appearance in families, genetics is considered to be a part of it. Some cases are thought to be associated with previous skin trauma, but it’s not proven beyond any doubts.

Symptoms and signs

It is noticed as an elevation of the skin that is palpable. It rarely hurts. The size varies from a few cm do 10cm..

How is it diagnosed?

Diagnosis is set by a clinical examination by a doctor.

Additional analyses are rarely needed, such as ultrasound.

How is it removed?

There are two kinds of lipoma removals:

  1. Classic surgical removal by an excision
  2. Liposuction

Risk factors and prevention

Essential risk factor is previous occurrences within the family.

There is no known prevention as of yet.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to remove it?

No, it’s not always necessary to remove lipomas.

If it’s small, doesn’t cause You an esthetic concern, it doesn’t cause You pain or discomfort, then the removal is completely unnecessary.

Can it reappear after removal?

Yes, lipomas can form on the same spot again, although rarely.

Can a new lipoma form on a new spot?

Yes, a person who has already suffered from a lipoma is very likely to develop lipomas on new areas of the body, during the course of a lifetime.

Can this tumor be malignant?

Studies are mentioned in literature that claim a malignant form can occur, but it’s very rare and unlikely and still not proven.

Henceforth, it is still considered that lipoma is a benign tumor (lesion) of the skin and is not a threat to Your life.