Basic information on UV radiation

UV rays are a part of the invisible spectrum of solar rays, from 10 to 400 nanometers in wavelength. Depending on the wavelength, Uv rays are divided into: UV vacuum (10 – 200 nm), UVC (200 – 280 nm), UVB (280 – 315 nm), UVA (315 – 400 nm).

UVB and UVA rays present a special danger because they are the most potent carcinogenic factors to humans, that directly cause the development of skin tumors and melanoma. On that issue, UVB rays are more dangerous than UVA.

Sun UV radiation and the ozone layer

The atmospheric layer is around the Earth. From 8 – 12000m all up to 55000m, the stratospheric layer is placed, which contains the ozone layer. The core of the ozone layer is between 22 and 28000m, under and over that, it is less concentrated. Ozone is the thing that reduces and stops the penetration of UVA and UVB waves, depending on it’s density on one side and the position of the Sun on the other, the intensity and strength of UVA and UVB radiation reaching the surface of the Earth is determined. Reduction in ozone layer density, and thus the increase in UV radiation over the last 30 years has caused a great increase in all kinds of skin carcinomas.

Artificial UV radiation

Except for the Sun, UV radiation originates from artificial UV lamps. Sun beds are the principal source of artificial UV radiation as well as UV lamps for nail enhancement. Artificial UV radiation is even more dangerous than natural because of higher concentration – because a large amount is received in a single dose.

Our basic recommendation is protection from solar radiation, and avoiding sunbeds to the highest extent. By that, You are doing the primary prevention of skin tumors and melanoma, in fact, You are prevening the development of unwanted skin lesions.

Radno vreme za Dan Državnosti

Dragi posetioci,

Ponedeljak 17. Februar će biti neradan zbog državnog praznika Dana Državnosti.

ORS Plastična Hirurgija

  1. Radno vreme tokom Dana Državnosti

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