
LASER can be used to treat scars in the aim of preventing them from spreading and thickening (fresh scars), but also to decrease their visibility (old scars).

Acne Scars



What causes a scar?

A scar is formed when the process of healing is interrupted by some of the factors which contribute to wrong remodeling of the discontinued skin. In some scars a proliferation of collagen occurs, so they get elevated and accented, in some yet a deficit of collagen occurs and they get indented.

Scars can be thin as well, level with the skin and pale in color. Such scars have had normal healing conditions, just enough water, just enough collagen, they are placed in areas where there was no tension forces pulling on the skin.

Whenever the skin is cut deeper than a certain border (basement membrane), it will always be visible in the form of a scar. So whether a mark on the skin will be left depends on the depth of the cut, don’t ever believe that cutting a skin can heal without a scar, it can only be minimally visible.

What kinds of scars are there?

Natural scar: Usually a linear scar level with the skin. Initially it’s always pinkish, and as time progresses it gradually fades.

Hypertrophic scar: Firm, elevated and pinkish scar which remains in the initial area of the wound, and can fade with time.

Atrophic scar: An indentation on the skin that can result from skin conditions or acne.

Keloidal scar: Firm, elevated and red to purple scar which expands out of the initial area of the wound, and expands over time.

Who is a candidate?

Anyone with an old scar which displeases them esthetically. Acne scars are especially suitable for this kind of treatment.

As well as persons with a fresh scar, after a surgical procedure, because this procedure can reduce the size and visibility of the scar.

You have to be aware that complete disappearing of the scar is not possible by using this method, but it’s absolutely possible to get the scar in such a state that it becomes inconspicuous, less noticeable.

What does the treatment look like?

The whole scar is treated by LASER beams with the use of cold air to reduce the heat sensation on the skin during the procedure. The treatment lasts for about 10 minutes. Cold pads can be applied after the treatment to reduce redness or swelling that may accompany it.

How many treatments are needed to get results?

Usually between 3 to 5 treatments are required for LASER scar reduction.

Treatments are repeated in 4 to 6 weeks.

Care after the procedure

Skin needs to be kept clean and moisturizer or hydrating cream should be generously applied between treatments.

Sun protection in the form of SPF 30+ sunblock has to be applied for the next 4 weeks, if it’s summer even an SPF 50 sunblock should be used.


You can expect Your scar to become more level, fade and become less visible. Also, after this procedure all of the discomfortable sensations often associated with scars tend to minimize.

The processs of regeneration of Your skin may start as early as just 4 days after the procedure. The rate of regeneration depends on the type of LASER used, individual skin properties and how good You follow doctor’s instructions.

Who is not recommended to have this kind of treatment?

Not everyone is a candidate for LASER treatments.

People with certain skin conditions such as psoriasis, cystic acne and dermatitis are not ideal candidates. Nor are the ones on certain therapeutic regimes, the likes of isotretinoin, 6 months are required to pass before doing any LASER treatments.

Frequently asked questions

Is the procedure painful?

The treatment isn’t painful, patients describe the feeling as mild tingling. In order to maximize comfort for the patient, we use an anesthetic pain numbing cream.

Is there any downtime, off-work time?

No. Any redness can be concealed by make up, easily.

Are there risks involved?

As with any other procedure, there is a certain, minimal amount of risk involved.

Hyperpigmentations or hypopigmentations can form, but if You abide the aforementioned sun protection precautions, they can absolutely be prevented.

On persons inclined to develop hypertrophic scars, they can form, although very rarely.

There are ways to prevent even these minimal risks by conducting a skin LASER test before starting treatment.