
Wrinkles give the face an older appearance, they form under the influence of (excessive) muscle activity when mimicking, as well as under the effect of gravity. Forming of wrinkles is also contributed by changing quality of skin, i.e. loss of tone and elasticity, and lack of collagen and water.

Wrinkles can be successfully treated by laser, because under the effect of it’s beam, new collagen is formed which fills out the existing indentation. Besides that, the skin around the wrinkle becomes softer, healthier and the hydration of the skin gets improved, thus gaining an all-over improvement in skin quality and also preventing the formation of new wrinkles.

Who is a candidate?

Persons who wish to reduce the wrinkles on their face by a procedure which has long lasting effects, and are patient enough to gradually achieve better and better results.

And of course, persons who are having difficulties engaging in surgical procedures, and are inclined to less invasive procedures to gain their effects.

What does the procedure look like?

The doctor does the treatment with constant stream of cold air to additionally ease the procedure and reduce the heat You are going to feel on Your face. Depending on the depth of the wrinkles, laser can be applied over the same region more time, if necessary. Procedure usually takes about 15 minutes.

How many treatments are required for achieving the results?

Number of repeat treatments is usually between 2 and 5, depending on the depth of the wrinkles being treated.

Treatments are repeated every 4-6 weeks.

Care after the treatment

Skin needs to be kept clean and hydrating/re-epithelizing cream thoroughly applied between treatments.

Protection from the sun in the form of sunblock cream with SPF greater than 30 is necessary in the next 4 weeks.

What to expect after the treatment?

The skin of the treated region is going to be pink, dry and tight for a few days after the treatment (like redness after sun tanning). So, it’s necessary to keep the skin moist, applying the moisturizer several times a day.

Also, SPF 30+ sunblocks are to be applied (in the 4 weeks after) or the sun should be completely avoided during that time.

You can freely use make up to conceal the redness.

In most patients, all of these side effects subside within 3 to 5 days, rarely lasting longer,and if, to a lesser extent.


Effects will become visible after the second treatment and they will constantly get better over time and with every new treatment.

After finishing the treatments, some additional time is needed for the results to fully develop,i.e. in the following months the results will get better and better with every new day.

After a laser treatment, collagen is regenerated, skin is re-epithelized and the state of hydration and skin tone gets better and better. Skin gets more tight, more elastic, colors even out and it gets exquisitely soft to the touch. All of these effects are long lasting.

Who is not recommended to have this kind of treatment?

Persons who are prone to forming scars, on a certain course of therapy (i.e. tretinoin) and with certain skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis..) are not suitable for this kind of treatment.

Persons who are sun tanned or tanned in a sun bed should wait for the tan to come off before doing tis type of treatment.

You doctor will assess Your skin in order to determine if You are a suitable candidate for laser wrinkle reduction.

Frequently asked questions

Is the treatment painful?

Treatment is not painful, patients describe the feeling as a mild tingling sensation. In order for the patient to be as comfortable as possible, an anesthetic cream can always be applied.

Is there any downtime, off-work time?

Essentially none, because even if there is some redness or swelling, it’s spot on and spot off and it can easily be concealed by make up.

Are there risks involved?

As with any other procedure, there are certain minimal risks associated, which incide very rarely.

Hyperpigmentations or hypopigmentations can form, but if You abide the before mentioned precautions regarding sun exposure, they can be absolutely prevented.

On persons with an inclination towards forming hypertrophic scars, HT scars are possible to form, though very rarely.

Radno vreme za Dan Državnosti

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Ponedeljak 17. Februar će biti neradan zbog državnog praznika Dana Državnosti.

ORS Plastična Hirurgija

  1. Radno vreme tokom Dana Državnosti

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